Workplace Cleanliness

Blog categorized as Workplace Cleanliness

The Hidden Dangers Lurking in Your Air Conditioning: 
In this blog, we will delve into the truth about air conditioning, shedding light on the dangers it poses when not properly maintained. Divine Commercial Cleaning recommend a professional Air-Con clean carried out by Coope-Elec
05.10.23 04:14 AM - Comment(s)
Enhancing Hygiene and Customer Experience: 
Grocery store cleaning. Not just a place of business; it's a space where customers purchase the items that nourish their bodies. Maintaining impeccable hygiene standards is a moral obligation
23.08.23 04:46 AM - Comment(s)
Bacteria & Germs in the Workplace
Keeping up with corporate cleaning and replacing air-conditioner system filters will help to prevent saturation, microbial growth and odour concerns.
12.06.23 01:46 AM - Comment(s)